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The Kennel Club

TRMG has been working with the Kennel Club on various projects for many years now. As well as Crufts, it produces an annual Puppy Handbook for new dog owners and a showguide to the Kennel Club’s annual Discover Dogs event.

Two publications are produced for Crufts and each performs various jobs. The Official Showguide is a user friendly magazine style informative guide to everything at Crufts, enabling visitors to the show to read features on various activities going on at the show including displays, judging, Kennel Club events. It also contains detailed maps, expert advice and an A-Z of trade stand exhibitors enabling the user to contact them easily after the show.

The second publication is the Crufts Day Book, with one being produced for each day of the show detailing breeder information of those exhibiting or competing at the show. An in depth guide to which dogs are taking part, contact details for the breeder, details of the judges, and space to make note of the results of each event. An estimated 22,000 dogs compete at the event every year and as such are detailed in these books.

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