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England Rugby

TRMG was awarded the contract to produce England Rugby magazine in 2001. We created a template for the entire magazine and since then the publication has been incorporated to become a key part of the benefits enjoyed by every England Rugby Supporters Club member.

In 2005 TRMG complimented the product by introducing the England Rugby Yearbook, and our achievements with the RFU were reflected in the same year when TRMG was awarded their Licensee of the Year. The magazines are published on behalf of the RFU and are widely recognised and respected for their quality editorial and photographs. They are one of the RFU’s most powerful marketing tools. England Rugby is directly mailed to over 26,000 members of the supporters club. Alongside this it is sold in the RFU shop, at home game venues and on the news trade stands.

The publication has several jobs: to enthuse fans about their national team, to help sell tickets at the national game, and to promote participation in the sport. As an official organ of the RFU, it also provides the perfect place from which the RFU can promote their own agenda and work on behalf of the sport to their core audience.

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