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BBC Food Shows

TRMG produces four publications a year for Haymarket Exhibitions’ series of food shows held across the UK: BBC Good Food Show Summer at the NEC in Birmingham, BBC Good Food Scotland held at SECC Glasgow, BBC Good Food Winter at the NEC, and MasterChef Live at Olympia in London.

The Summer show incorporates BBC Gardeners’ World Live so the showguide is dual purpose covering both events in detail for visitors to the show. Containing show maps, information on activities at each show, advice for gardeners and a detailed recipe section for budding chefs.

While BBC Good Food Scotland and BBC Good Food Winter showcase local producers and opportunities to learn from the show, MasterChef Live lets you delve into the popular BBC television series. As such the showguide details MasterChef events you can take part in at the show to give you a taste of being on the series.

Each showguide also features essential A-Z lists of exhibitors so users will always have it as a source of good food after the event.

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