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2010 World Equestrian Games

The 2010 World Equestrian Games brought together the best competitors in reining, endurance, dressage, eventing, jumping, para dressage, vaulting and driving in global competition at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.

This exciting project led to TRMG developing nine separate publications, which we then went on to organise sales for, both online in advance, and at the Kentucky venue throughout the three week event. The official showguide for the event was 284 pages containing the best of equestrian features and photographs as well as in depth information on the event and an introduction to each of the eight disciplines competing at the World Equestrian Games.

The Showguide was then complimented by eight individual Event Books, one for each discipline. Each one detailed timetables, maps, spectator information and features, all specific to that discipline, aimed at the avid fan.

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